
Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Dear Readers,
Some people that post comments are really mean! someone called "anonymous" was very rude about the header and rude about me not advertising but informing on my other blogs! Just a warning i will not be publishing mean comments from now on and if you are an editor and you post one i will have to delete you! So please be nice when you post comments, Anonymous i do agree with you a little the header is not the best, but you dont need to be mean! I dont mean to be bossy or anything but i have feelings!


Anonymous said...

I don't care if you post this, but sorry... The header is pretty bad. It's all blurry and the text is hard to read. Why don't you get a REAL graphic designer to make one instead of wasting your time? Just my opinion.

Flamestorm said...

I am going to sorry i made that as one to use while we wait! I KNO its ugly you dont have to rub it in

A said...

Dear Flamestorm:

1. Your name is Flamstorm btw in case you didn`t notice.

2. I`m sorry but, A (anonymous for short too lazy to keep typing that word out) has a point. NOBODY has posted an actual post stating how animal cruelty is affecting the world for a long time. All we have been doing is introducing ourselves, and introducing other blogs we also have!!! Which I believe is not the right way to treat our blog subject. Trust me, I am NOT trying to be rude, and I am not, in fact, "A". I just happen to be one of the many people on the verge of quitting Voice for it has sunken almost to rock bottom. And I`m just saying, that if we don`t bring this blog back alive soon, people ARE going to quit and the first one will be me. Unless you kick me out now for being "rude". Which I suppose to you I might be, but trust me, I am just being a totally honest person. Hope you let what I just said sink in a little, and I hope you take action soon! Do a little research! Search up some facts about todays life of who, and when it happened! Hey, it might take a few minutes of your life, yes, but it`s for the animals that suffer every day. And that`s worth a lot if you think of it like me.


Flamestorm said...

YOu can always post to.... if you would like. And no i would never kick you out for voicing your opinion.. and i totally understand.. i was just saying that Anonymous didnt have to be rude about it. Thank you for telling me your opinion I really aprreciate it!

Flamestorm said...

Oh and it is supposed to be flamestorm i didnt notice that :P

Flamestorm said...

and im sorry i cant be Olive Tree she really is a wonderful blogger isnt she? But i try to be good!

Anonymous said...

i like the header! ps this isnt the mean anonymous

Flamestorm said...

Thank you!!

A said...

VOICE will never get back to where it is. NOTHING happens. Just delete it. Only a few people actually post. This blog is a waste of time. And the header isn't even good. It could have just stayed the way it was, with no header. it would have looked better.

Brooke said...

Wow anonymous, you sure have some issues. I'd hate to be you.

But I agree that the posts are getting a lot worse than at first. That's one of the reasons I'm joining. But I really liked the blog when I started and I'm confident that it will get back to the way it was in no time at all :)