
Thursday, February 10, 2011

It seems we are never far from some kind of animal cruelty. The horrible reality is that this happens in our own cities. Everyone knows the infamous story including a woman, a cat and a bin. This is pretty tame to other stories we are bombarded with, such as the woman who threw a litter of six puppies into a river. One Saturday Neil Rodgers let his two beagles, Annie and Buttercup, run loose for the night. The next morning he discovered that someone had skinned Annie and and cut Buttercup around her shoulders and neck. Annie had to be euthanized due to the lack of skin left on her. I have heard of a family near my home who hung their dog by its own lead. My own dog has been threatened, my dad turned to see two 12 year olds holding a can of spray paint to her face. It baffles me how animals are treated by some humans today, surely people shouldn't be so sadistic and ignorant. I believe that we should be education younger people, to teach them to treat animals with respect. As a "civilized society" this should not be happening.

In my last post, it has been labelled awful. I'm not sure if people think I was attacking PeTA. This was not my intention. I tried to convey a balanced argument, I am a member and believe we can reform this corrupt organisation.

By Jess Brown


Anonymous said...

This is terrible! We need to put a stop to this now.

candymeadowsalmondjoy said...

o.m.g. I'm gonna....faint. THEY POOR DOGS WHY WOULD SOMEONE EVER DO SUCH A THING TO THOSE POOR PUPPIES!(next time could you put a link to the pic and not show it strait up i hate looking at such horrid pictures)

Sierra said...

That is SOOOOOOOOO sad!!! My heart weeps for that dog :'-( .

Emily Rose said...

This is just terrible. Why would people even have an interest in being cruel?

Flamestorm said...

This is the worst thing i have EVER seen, welcome to the blog and thanks for posting but next time put a link for the pic so we dont have to look at it

Jessica Brown said...

I'm sorry. But to be blunt, we cannot pretend this isn't happening. And a picture says so much more than words. I will refrain from using pictures in the future

Anonymous said...

thx :) for really imbracing our comments

Anonymous said...

Er... guys? This is a very nice blog, and it's wonderful to see people standing up for what's right! :) I just wanted to say, that there are a lot of posts talking and showing what people do to hurt animals, which is VERY disturbing to us, and I was thinking that it would be nice to have more posts about what we hcan do to HELP instead? Just saying! I don't mean to be bossy or rude or anything ^^

Zoraz said... is so horrifying! Why would sombody DO this sort of thing? And some of them have proved to not even be mental!! This is a disgusting act of imaturaty and mindless slaughter of animals made by God. That is so cruel!!

It astounds me how sombody can randomly say 'heh heh! Lets go chain up that dog and see how badly we can make it yelp!" "Yeah! That'd be SICK dude!!!" THAT is sickening! Thanks you for having this blog! You are truly making a difference. Leaving this post up is perfect. Sombody randomly see's this blog and then WHOA! A live half skinned dog?! Then they read the post and understand the whole thing. And this isn't some thing where they just SAY whats happening and ask you to donate money. These have PICTURES!
Again, thank you so much for what your doing!

Anonymous said...

can someone post something new?

Cute Cockapoos said...

I totally agree with you. It's so sad! That's why I'm trying to found an animal shelter in my town...Going to be tough if we can't afford it.

Brooke said...

That's terrible. :(

Brooke said...
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