Thursday, September 22, 2011
Animal Cruelty: Dog Fights
This post is about Dog Fight awareness. If you dont know already, Dog Fights is a revolting, cruel sport where people with take stray dogs off the street, breed dogs, find dogs or steal dogs like Pit Bulls that can fight and kill. Then they "train" the dogs by trapping them in cages and hitting them. Soon the dog will bite, out of fear or anger, then the person stops. Later, he does it again. It teaches the dog that when they bite, the pain stops. Then they anger two dogs and put them in a enclosure together with seats around the outside so people can watch. They bid money on which dog they think will win. One of the dogs is always killed except on rare ocations. Either the dog's oponent kills him or he is killed later because he did not win/dumped on the streets and his wounds cause him to die. It is a sick sport and is banned in most places, but drugs are banned to, and do people just not do them? NO. Dog Fights can take place anywhere. Back yards, enclosed arenas and houses.
When Dog Fights are busted the dogs go to the shelter and because nobody wants a "blood-thirsty pit bull" or a scarred bloody mess of a dog, they are most often put down. Here is a link about Dog Fighting-
And here are some links so you can help stop Dog Fighting!
Monday, May 23, 2011
My Essay on Animal Testing.
Do you have a pet? A bunny or a dog or maybe even a rat or mouse. Well picture your pet locked up in a cage while someone puts their designer makeup product on it, to make sure its not poisonous or harmful. Not the best picture right? Well you can help, animals everyday are testing for makeup products and different drugs that are not even useful or needed in our lives. If you have a pet, or you know someone who has a pet you understand, even if your not that big of an animal lover, we are animals too, and animals should not have to suffer for makeups companies and cosmetics. Product testing on animals is immoral.
Animals in the lab are treated awfully. During animal testing, animals are infected with diseases, force fed, kittens are purposely made blind and rats are forced to suffer seizures over and over again. Animals have to go through repeated surgery and are purposely poisoned. There is no end to the pain that animals in a lab go through. Animals that are used for drug testing are given diseases and infections, then euthanized, in labs animals are injected with a disease so that the cure can be tested. In cosmetic tests, caustic substances are placed in the eyes of conscious rabbits to evaluate damage to sensitive eye tissues. This is extremely painful for the rabbits, who often scream when the substances are applied and sometimes break their necks or backs trying to escape the restraints. It is inhumane to purposely give an animal a disease or infection or put something on them that will harm them. Animal testing kills 25-50 billion animals a year, and many others are harmed and injured as well. Animals in labs go through endless amount of pain and suffering for useless reasons. Even when they are not being tested on they are treated badly, they are kept in cages that are way to small, and depending on the experiment, they are hardly fed at all.
Products that are tested on animals are mostly inaccurate. Only 8% of the products that are tested are not passed by the FDA and 92% of them end up being harmful, poisonous, or deadly. They can also end up being more harmful then do any good. In 2004 painkillers were testing on animals and it caused 140,000 people to have a stroke or a heart attack, and 60,000 were fatal. For animal testing the highest percentage of animals that are used is rats and mice, even rats and mice tend to have different reactions to certain drugs or products. The age, sex and species effects the reaction. Lethal Dosage (LD) tests are used to determine the amount of a substance that will kill a predetermined ratio of animals. For example during the LD50 test subjects were forced to ingest poisonous products until half of them die. Reactions to LD tests are, eye bleeding, eye paralysis and vomiting.
Some people feel that product and cosmetic testing on animals is necessary for humans health and safety, but there are alternatives. Non-animal testing methods are more reliable and less expensive. These other methods make use of cell and skin tissue cultures, corneas from eye banks, and sophisticated computer and mathematical models. Some companies avoid any testing by using non-toxic natural ingredients or ingredients that have already been safety-approved by the Cosmetics, Toiletry and Fragrance Association. Gordon Baxter, co-founder of Pharmagene Laboratories, which uses only computers and human tissues to create and test drugs once said, “If you have information on human genes, what’s the point of going back to animals?”
Animals are tortured and killed in the labs, and even worse, they are killed for nothing because half of the tests are inaccurate. If there are other ways to test products, why would you use animals. Ways that you can stop animal testing is to not buy products or makeups that test on animals. Let companies that are testing on animals know that you wont buy their products!
Thanks for reading!!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Animal Testing.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Can these people be nice?
A chef in France bought cats from breeders, shelters, and pet store. Then he butchered them and cooked them! He got arrested, and apparently he thought "cats tasted good."
You've heard about the illegal Burmese pythons in Florida, and how they're killing animals? Well, someone let go their python and it ended up eating a neighbor's cat. If you can't take care of your pet, you can give it to a shelter. If you can't take care of it and its illegal, you shouldn't of bought it in the first place!!!
People who work or own Puppy Mills force dog to mate and have babies repeatedly, with no concern for the dog's health or social behavior.
People who own Chicken Factories must cut the beaks of the chickens so they don't fight. They do it for money,
but its actually cheaper to let them outside and keep them happy with beaks than keep them outside and unhappy without beaks.
Can you just be nice to animals? You're acting like Judd Travers from Shiloh! And he's an awful person! Don't abandon, hurt, cook [animals like dogs, cats, ect. If you're a vegetarian, that's good too, but that's your choice.], or force animals to have babies! Animals have feelings too!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Iams is cruel
"For nearly 10 months in 2002 and early 2003, a PETA investigator worked undercover at Sinclair Research Center, a laboratory hired by Iams, and discovered a dark and sordid secret beneath the wholesome image of the dog- and cat-food manufacturer. Dogs had gone crazy because they were confined to barren steel cages and cement cells, dogs were left piled on a filthy paint-chipped floor after chunks of muscle had been hacked from their thighs, dogs were surgically debarked, and horribly sick dogs and cats were neglected and left in cages to suffer without any veterinary care."
"After intense pressure from PETA and its supporters, Iams agreed to make the following significant changes in its testing program:
Iams agreed to begin conducting humane in-home tests for palatability studies.
Iams bowed to pressure and severed its ties with Sinclair Research Center.
Iams is said to have ended all invasive and terminal experiments on dogs and cats."
Monday, April 11, 2011
Dog Euthanized in Oshawa Animal Cruelty Case
"Two people are facing animal cruelty charges after the Durham Humane Society discovered a dog in a backyard shed of an Oshawa home.
A German shepherd was removed from the shed, described as "deplorable" living conditions, and taken to a veterinary clinic for assessment and treatment. The dog was later euthanized due to its severely compromised health.
"In this line of work, we see many unfortunate things but to witness such intentional cruelty and the deliberate infliction of so much suffering on an animal is heartbreaking," says Debby Houghton, animal cruelty investigator with the Humane Society of Durham Region.
Two individuals from the Oshawa area have been charged under the Ontario SPCA Act with permitting distress. The first court appearance is scheduled for May 10.
The humane society would release no further details, and withheld the names of those charged."
This is horrible. If you can't look after a pet, don't get one. If you can't look after a pet anymore, don't keep it somewhere you think will be ok for them. Here are some things to do with pets that you just can't take care of anymore:
Find a person that is willing to take care of you pet, but only if you're sure that they will take good care of it,
Ask friends, family and colleagues if they are willing to or know anyone who is willing to take in your pet, only if you check out the new home for your pet first, and finally, if all else fails,
Look for a trustworthy animal shelter that will take your pet in that has good conditions and places for animals.
That's all! But remember, if you are still able to take care of your pet, don't give up on them!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Littering and Kangaroo Skin
Also, some people make shoes out of kangaroo skin! How awful is that? Please don't buy these shoes! It's awful enough that they do!
-A Sad Silverstorm
Saturday, April 9, 2011
April! Let's Make It A Month To Remember!
Get a pinecone, cover it in honey, cover the honey with bird seed, oats, barley, wheat, anything you think birds would like.
Do a good deed for the Month Of April. Spread the word! Help animals everywhere!
And to make it better, tell everybody what you did in a comment here!
Mine: Went out and trained all four dogs, played with them. Fed the cats and the birds. Soon to make a Bird Feeder.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
No Animal Cruelty Month!
Friday, April 1, 2011
April Fool's Day
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Animal Hoarding and Proper Care for Pets
Many of the animals suffer a cruel, sad life. For example, if someone owned too many dogs, starving, wounded, dogs could be one of the reasons not to do it. Many of the animals are not spayed, so many puppies are born, adding to an overpopulation in the world. Many dogs fight, leading to dead dogs. And many of these animals are not cared medically at all. The dogs may have no access to food or water, or they may be fenced outside to live outside. and the excuse "Just one more." is not a good one. One dog could lead to a thousand more.
Animal Hoarders can be charged with huge fines, or even sent to jail. Make sure you only have enough animals that you can care for, not even one over. And get your animal spayed or neutured, unless you are a breeder.These are responsible things for an animal owner.
Here are some things to check if you think you are properly taking care of an animal:
- It has access to food and water at all times.
- It gets enough exercise.
- It does not get in fights with other animals.
- If sick, it is taken to the vet.
- You give it lots of attention.
- It's not refusing food. This is a big one, since this is the most obvious thing an animal can tell if its sick.
- Is it having trouble walking? This could be a sign of a broken back, leg, or an injured back or leg.
- Is it having trouble eating? This could be a sign of it having trouble eating.
- Is it vomiting repeatedly? It could just have a fever, or be very sick.
- Does it have bumpy or flaky skin? This could be acne and/or a skin disease. It may even be an allergy.
These are just some ways to avoid being a hoarder, but the biggest thing is that you don't have too many animals! You cannot not be a hoarder without lots of animals, but you can go to jail for not properly taking care of your pet.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Kittens Saved from Owners
One day, Kathryn Splittstoeser got a call from her daughter-in-law crying and saying children were carrying dead kittens in cereal boxes and asking neighbors to bury them in their yard. Kathryn got more information on the case and went to talk to the childrens' parents. No one was home when she went there, but many kittens were running around. Many had long, matted fur and were filthy. They had no access to fur or water. Kathryn called the local vet, and was thanked in a phone call and told the kittens were up for adoption. She, of course, adopted one and named it Sassy.
The beginning is sad, but the ending is happy. The kittens didn't suffer anymore, and that's what's important.
Animal Cruelty
Monday, March 28, 2011
Think for Japan
Monday, March 21, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
The Last Lions
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Understanding Animals
The only thing you need to understand for animals is that they do have emotions. Not always human, but still emotions. Please, please never abuse your animal! I might be doing it a presentation for Animal Cruelty. I will be sure to mention what I have written, plus many other things, like stories and forms of animal cruelty.
Bye and never abuse,
Sunday, March 13, 2011
3. Hedgehog
Hedgehogs are thought to really hurt because of their sharp spines. These animals aren't really that misunderstood, but you must agree that many people think their spines hurt. The truth is, no, they don't. I guess if you quickly put your hands on it, it may hurt, but if you do it slowly, it won't hurt!
2. Bats
Bats are thought to be vampires and sometimes even bad luck. The truth is the opposite. These animals are good luck, and are not at all vampires. Little Brown bats can eat up 6,000 bugs in one night, like mosquitoes. So, are they bad luck now? Not all bats eat bugs, though. Some drink blood. However, there's not a big worry there going to suck your blood. The like to drink the blood of cows, pigs, and other ungulates. Other bats eat fruit. They look like dogs, wolves, and foxes, earning them the nickname "Flying Fox".
3. Pit Bulls
I still understand they can attack, because they have something called "Lock jaw". This means when they bite you, their jaws can get stuck. However, they are generally loving dogs. You can see they can be great dogs. The pit bull above was named "Angel", because he saved them.
And there you have it. Animals that are misunderstood. Well, I guess I should show one last picture I couldn't resist. It's of a baby hedgehog, and I just can't resist baby animals! You can see the pit bull is a puppy too! So here's the baby hedgehog!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Today's National Hug Day!
Monday, March 7, 2011
How to STOP Animal Cruelty
I agree, this is bad, but you didn't even say what we can do to HELP, except report to the police, and that's really obvious!!!
My little sister came home from school the other day saying "I want to help prevent animal cruelty!" so I took her to the computer and showed her this blog. She read the last couple of posts, and burst out crying uncontrollably. She was very upset for the rest of the night, and she said she didn't even see anything that would help animal cruelty. PLEASE put more about PREVENTING it in your posts, understand? My mom suggested reporting this to blogger, and I refused to do this! I will if it's necessary!!!!!!!!
Well, so I decided to give them what they wanted. Here are some ways to help abused animals:
Inform Tell people the causes of animal cruelty, cases of animal cruelty, or how to stop animal cruelty.
Report Report any cases that you think the police did not know. This way you could be saving an animal's life, even if it's your friend's pet and they're the abusers.
Donate Donate to your local animal shelter, the ASPCA, or other organizations.
Adopt Adopt an animal from a dire situtation.
Spay/Neuter Spay or neuter your pet unless you breed for a living.
Volunteer Volunteer at an animal shelter.
There are just some ways. Since I don't have complete control over this blog, anonymous, maybe you should report it to the Lead Blogger, who I think is Flamestorm, but thank you for telling me. If your little sister eats meat, tell her she can help by not eating an old meat, so mostly grass fed.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Some AWFUL Cases from the ASPCA
Sparky the Pomeranian
A woman was going down the elevator with her 9 pound pomeranian, Sparky. She was charged for animal abuse, but she plead guilty.
Unfortunately,the elevator survillance cameras showed 31 year-old Tiara Davis kicking her 4 year-old dog. Tiara was, as the article said, angry because her dog urinated on the floor. In fact, Davis hit and kicked Sparky so hard that he was knocked out. She was charged with animal cruelty, and so her dog was turned over to the ASPCA, where he is/did recover.
The Cat Nextdoor
In Florida, Margret Fowler was charged of using a mallet to kill the neighbor's cat. Fowler was a vet, but a neighbor saw her hammering a cat serveral times with what looked like a mallet. Fowler than dropped the cat between the two houses. The neighbor approached the cat, realizing that it was her and her boyfriend's cat.
When Fowler was chargered, she said the cat was hit with a car and pulled itself there, between the houses. She said she had just tapped it to confirm its death.
A necrospy was tooken place and showed that the cat had not been hit by a car, but beat with a round, blunt object, mostly having blows to its head and stomach.
These are awful. Please report ANY animal cruelty information to the police. Only ONE animal actually lived in an of these, Sparky!
~Rosey Canyonrose/Rosey Spiritrose~
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Abused Horses
Spay and Neuter/Chickens Eaten By Lions
I've noticed quite a few people on this blog (commenting or blogging) think spay and neuter is cruel.
It is not. At all. Why? it helps decrease the number of unwanted pets, so less euthanized or beaten. However, certain animal are not okay spay or neuter. Here are some that are okay to spay/neuter:
1. Dog
2. Cat
3. Horse
A spayed dog. |
Also, spay and neuter will decrease the number of pets that die in fights, since they tend to fight a lot less than their unaltered brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and cousins.
This Week's Cruel Story
So, I was listening to my favorite podcast, RadioLab, and it was something called "Zoo" or something. Well, in China, apparently there's this bus that drives straight into the Lion's Pit. Well, you buy a chicken. Then you open the window and throw the chicken out! The chickens try to get away, but the lions get to them and tear them apart. Who's fault is this? Well, it's not the lions because that's what they eat. And it's not the chickens...It's the humans' faults.
Isn't that cruel? I absolutely am saddened by this tale, and this is coming from someone who mostly specializes in domestic mammals, not birds. But this is any absolutely cruel tale, and those chickens died a cruel death.
Rosey Canyonrose/Rosey Spiritrose
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Contest Winner!!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Unchained Dog Month
Sunday, January 16, 2011
2 horses
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Another Tale of Cruelty
It was just yesterday when I heard a story from my friend. An old man walked into a shop, leaving his dog tied on a leash to one of those short, stumpy poles. A couple of teenagers saw the dog and set off to work. They untied the leash, undid its collar, then deliberately tied the collar to one end of the pole, leaving the dog choked and unable to move. The dog had a too large and loose collar, so the teens took that advantage.
My friend told me that she was spreading the story, and that she hadn't been the one to see it, but had been told by a friend who wasn't the one to see it either. Whether this story is false or real, it just shows that animals all over the world, have been harmed on purpose, or for no reason (as the story above).
So I'm really proud of this blog, and its authors for contributing. I hope you do realise how special animals are, and that they have feelings just like us.
Boy kills kittens
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Factory Farms
What are factory farms, you might ask? A factory farm is a large industrial operation that has a lot (hundreds or thousands) of animals like chickens, turkeys, pigs and cows. It's very cramped for the animals, and the people treat them poorly. What's sad is that these animals rarely or have never seen daylight. They live short lives full of pain. And because the animals aren't taken care of properly, the quality is poor for the food like dairy, eggs, and meat. The people who run the factory only care about how much of the food is produced. Thus, the produced products are lower quality than healthy animals raised in good environments produce.
Five things that occur in factory farms are:
- The animal are given a constant feeding of antibiotics to prevent disease. People drinking dairy and eating meat products from factory farms may develop immunities to antibiotics and then lose the ability to fight certain types of bacteria.
- Controlled light cycles to simulate longer or shorter days. This confuses an animal's body and sadly forces an unnatural growth response.
- Altering the animals to prevent them from acting out on the aggression and anxiety caused by living in such extreme restriction.
- Forcing breeding animals to reproduce at unnaturally fast rates, causing the animals to be tired, have more stress, and early deaths among them.
- Rough transportation of livestock to slaughterhouses. Sick or injured animal who fall or die on the way to the slaughterhouses are forced onto slaughter trucks-most often with a bulldozer.
To conclude, make sure you know where the products you buy come from. You can make a difference by doing many things, such as buying some foods from small local farms. Make sure you buy foods with the Certified Humane Raised & Handled® label administered by Humane Farm Animal Care.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Cruelty Update: Dismembered Cats and Cock Fighting
There is always local news that reaches our ears that we usually push away and try to forget, but you can't push it away. You have to listen, learn, and understand. Listen to what people have to say. Learn about the problem and how to deal with it. And understand what was just said.
In a recent cruelty case, 26 roosters were rescued from a disaster of a cock-fight.

They all went to jail and were forced to surrender their birds. Sadly, due to their horrible conditions, the birds were later euthanized.
So there you half it. Just one of the many terrible issues in our community. Yours, mine, and everyone's.
Would you believe that there are even sicker things than that? Well, if you don't mind gagging, you can read what's below.
It started off as a normal case. A neighbor called for a barking dog across the street and an absent home. The officers didn't expect what they were going to see though.
Locked in a closet, hidden by tools, was a starving cat. Skinny, stick-legged cat.
Behind that cat were more... accept these other cats were dead. They were dismembered, as if someone had cut off their limbs to eat them. One cat only had a head left. It's revolting to imagine such a scene. Feces among the ground, living in a damp, dark, cold environment, watching your cousins die one by one, screams and cries, and finally... your owner leaves you to die.
The good news is that the woman was fined $100,000... for EACH ANIMAL HARMED!
So justice has been done, but many issues are left unknown.
There's a corner house not far from where I live where there are pitbulls lurking around. I easily suspect dog-fighting, but I don't know. It's most likely. If I even see anything that makes me more suspicious, I'm calling the police right away!
Please. Act. When. You. Can.
Don't hesitate to save a life. After all, it's in your hands... all you have to do is dial the number.