
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A new Header?

WHY YES! as the title says a NEW header will be posted on the blog to 1. stop complaints! and 2. Because mine sucks! and yes i know it does you dont have to rub it in! I hope you like the new one! Any suggestions or ANYTHING are welcome thank you!! Header made by Cherry.
P.S sorry i cant be as good on this blog as Olive Tree (going by Olivia now)


A said...

I propose to make the header. Even if you want to make it, I`ll make a back up copy anyway just in case something goes wrong.

Flamestorm said...

Of course! You can make it, that would be awesome you can send it to me at I promise i wont give out your email, or randomly email you.

A said...

Actually, my email is currently not available to access, maybe I could just give you the url on here?

Flamestorm said...

yeah perfect