
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Welcome to Voice

Have you ever seen an abandoned kitten by the side of the road or a bony dog scrounging for scraps? Have you visited a shelter or seen an abused horse? Have you ever felt guilty about eating that chicken leg? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the blog for you.

Animal cruelty happens every day, everywhere. From the mass factory farm to the owners who can't take care of their puppy, animal cruelty is all around us. And there's only one legion of people in its way: us.

This is a group blog. If you are an animal lover and would like to be part of this blog and be able to post, please comment below with your email so I can send you the invitation. No spam, no keeping your email, and I won't publish your comment so no one else can get it either.

Animals can't speak for themselves. We are their voice.
Stop animal cruelty now.
Speak up.


Sally said...

OK. I am really loving this blog right now... *follows*

☪Dream said...

I answered yes to all of them! I liked to do it....

Hannah Marie said...

You know me:) I'll do it! Which reminds me about our project we were going to do for abused horses. Yes I'd love to become an author!

Anonymous said...

All right, you two should get your invites soon.
Cornet, does this mean you want to contribute or...?

☪Dream said...

Are we going to be able to JUST make posts?

[Lauren] said...

Hey, I am TOTALLY against animal cruelty too! So much, that I've already decided that I want to work for the Humane Society when I'm older.

MadiShae said...

I actually am part of a fundraiser and pay $19 a month to a pet thing that saves animals. I'LL TOTALLY DO IT!

Did u know that every year, 250,000 dogs fight 4 their lives, 3,000,000 puppies r born into puppy mills (which is bad), 100,000 horses r slaughtered 4 their meat, and many other things? HORRIBLE!


MadiShae said...

Yes. I left a realy long comment, but it dissapeared........;(


Anonymous said...

I just have comment mod on.
The statistics really are horrible. I wanted to volunteer at our local shelter but you have to be 16... Bummer, eh? I'm trying to find another place.
If you leave your email I'll add you.

Sally said...

sure. send it to the spottedstar address please.

☪Dream said...

Are we going to be allowed to do more then just post stuff?

MadiShae said...

Go 2


... said...

Very nice idea for a blog! I love animals also =] I'm adding your banner to my site, Snickerdoodles. I'm now following this blog ;]

☪Dream said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
☪Dream said...

can you please put comment moderaion on so I can give you my friends email?

... said...

Thanks for adding me Olive Tree! =]

Gray said...

I'm all for it--- but what are you DOING to make a difference?

☪Dream said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
☪Dream said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
☪Dream said... you have it on yet?

☪Dream said...

My friend M commented here saying that she would like to join this blog. That was when it said 10 comments. She claims that you deleted her comment. I don't think that is right. She has also commented on Horsefeathers, with non-advertising comments, but you still seem to delete them. Here is the award that she was nice enough to give you-

Here is also her email address because she would like to become a member of this blog.

Anonymous said...

I never saw M's comments... I dunno.

Bracie- I volunteer at a shelter and adopt from a shelter. =)

... said...

Sorry, but I removed myself from the blog. I'm just really busy and I have my other blogs. But I will still follow and comment!

Anonymous said...

No problem Floppy.

☪Dream said...

okay. then can she join this site?

[Lauren] said...

Can I be an author if you're still looking and if it's not too much trouble?

мιяαи∂α♥ said...

Can I be an author too?

Brooke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Sunstar, an email is necessary to be part of a group blog. Sorry!

Petalstar- yes, I just need your email.

[Lauren] said...

ok Thanks! It won't be published, will it?

Anonymous said...

No, of course not.

MadiShae said...

Olive Tree, can u make me a header 4 something?


Anonymous said...

Please see my main blog, HorseFeathers, Scarheart. I just did a post about that.

♣icefox♣ said...

Can I post on this? Because, well, I've never seen an abused animal firsthand (besides in shelters) and I'm not vegetarian, but I still HATE animal abuse. Please respond on my blog,, because I might forget to go here.

♣icefox♣ said...

(Like, could I be an author)?

Anonymous said...

Yup, I just need your email. =)

Cherry said...

can i be an author? i really hate animal abuse. it is the number one thing i hate the most! also i know a animal saving site

you might already know it but...
i saw it on a commercial. it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad!

A said...

i am totally with you with this going against animal abuse. it's so awful that some people choose to treat animals that way. i have a cat myself, and think of all those other cats in the world who don't have someone who cares, and loves them. Sometimes, homeless animals are actually put to sleep because no one would give them a home. It's scary to think my litten might have been put to sleep if i hadn't adopted her. So that is why i would like to become a member of this blog. Even if i don't become a member, i'll spread the word anyway. I will keep posted!


♥Warriors101♥ said...

So... if I want to become a author I just have to post my comment here?

♥Warriors101♥ said...

I mean all I have to do if put my email here? Sorry, im just gettting confused

Catherine said...

I totaly agree. This is so wrong! I'm a vegetarian just for the animals. I want to help. Here are 11 facts on animal abuse;

In many circuses, wild and exotic animals are trained through the use of intimidation and physical abuse. Former circus employees have reported seeing animals beaten, whipped, poked with sharp objects and even burned to force them to learn their routines!
Elephants who perform in circuses are often kept in chains for as long as 23 hours a day from the time they are babies.
More than 15 million warm-blooded animals are used in research every year.
Scientists estimate that 100 species go extinct every day! That's about one species every 15 minutes.
If you live in Pennsylvania, California, Florida, Rhode Island, Illinois, Virginia, Oregon, New York, New Jersey and Vermont you have the legal right to refuse to participate in dissection in class! In Louisiana, there is a State resolution and in Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland and New Mexico, there are Departments of Education resolutions in place that allow you to refuse to dissect, although it hasn’t yet become a law.
Dog fighting and cock-fighting are illegal in all 50 states.
It is estimated that on average it takes 1,000 dogs to maintain a mid-sized racetrack operation. New greyhounds are continually entering the system to replace greyhounds that grade-off due to injury, age or poor performance. There are currently over 30 tracks operating in the United States.
Tens of thousands of wild and domesticated horses from the United States are cruelly slaughtered every year to be used for horsemeat in Europe and Asia. Since the last horse slaughter plants in the U.S. were closed in 2007, thousands of horses have been shipped to Canada and Mexico for slaughter.
Many studies have found a link between cruelty to animals and other forms of interpersonal violence.
Neglect and abandonment are the most common forms of companion animal abuse in the United States.
A fur coat is pretty cool—for an animal to wear. Eighteen red foxes are killed to make one fox-fur coat, 55 minks to make a mink coat.

Breezie said...

is it still open to become an author?

Unknown said...

I actually have my own club that is against animal cruelty. if any of you want to join please send me a message. i can tell you more about it

✠Ember✠ said...

I am so in on this :) I love animals and will do anything to help! I have a rabbit and he is so sweet! I love all animal and I want to be a vet, or in the A.S.P.C.A when I grown up!

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Blogger Name: Warriors101
I would love to be a admin! I come on blogger EVERY day! Please consider me!

♥Warriors101♥ said...

>:( WHO IS PUBLISH THOSE COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't you know about safety!!!??? NEVER publish emails!! Look at the comments first BEFORE you publish themm!!!!!!!!!!!!

Catherine said...

Can I please become an author??

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Hi! Can i becomez a member?

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Buzz Girl said...

I would like to become an author! I could write about how you can volunteer at shelters with abused animals...and helping stuff with animals...


Catherine said...

Okay, we just need your email. We will only use it once, then we will 'discard' it from our memories. Your email will not be published.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am changing my email address. My new email address is: Could you plase invite that one and delete this one from the blog?

Anonymous said...

Hi i'm Bill Gates, and I <3 animal cruelty

Catherine said...

Umm, Anonymous, please keep your comments to yourself. This page is only if you want to join. Plus, highly doubt you are Bill Gates.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

my email is

❄Thunderstar❄ said...

Ill be an admin!

Flamestorm said...

YOu can still join if you would like!! :D

whisper said...

Who wants to here a sad sorry!?? XD

ok its not that great but...
once apon a time in houston alaska or my small town here there was a dog he was a hunting dog. we had a big parade and it was aswome and I was in it and I was the best (I was on a yellow 4 weeler and it was like the most colorfull thing there)well anyways me and my mom were reading the paper and ensted of an aswome pic of the perade there was a dog???? Ok so my moms all p.o. so i read the artical. He had been there for 6mounths. so im like d*mn anyways we go to the animal shelter and its not even a shelter it was a flippen hanger with a car desposle outside and inside there were like 5 cages 4 addolt cats and a kitten with a broken leg. he realy needed a doctor. *im crying* he was cute.. so then we went back outside to see the dog and did i mention we had to wait 3 hours to be told that we were sopposed to go to the firestation first becaues the fire cheif is also the cheif animal control officer?? well the next day we got to go to the shelter and I have to say we were not happy at all. So we find this dog in the back with a callor so tite he could not breath and no food. the caretaker saies "hes an escape artest so we have to keep him tyed up." I almost said b*** give him some food!!! anywho it took us 3 days to get the dog after he had to go to the vet (they had 6 mouthes to do that!) we had to pay $200 dalors for him! anyways we nameed him rilley. Me and my mom dont hunt so we didnt need the dog and he squeeked alot witch was ok becaues he could not bark but we had to get him a new home (he was a perbread hunting dog) he did not like are cat.. so abuot 5 days went by he finally he could bark *more crying* so we went and gave him to the wasilla pound (way way nicer place) and the next day he was adopted *balling* .So in the end my mom was so made she was steaming so she went down to the city hall (i didnt now we were a city??) and aplyed for chef animal controle officer *justice!!* its been 3 mounthes and tomarro we will go to the city meeting and my mom will get the job! (i know she will how can you deniy a peorson who legaly put 5,000 animals in perminate homes and gives 1,000 animals a free vactionation???) I have a talent with house cats my mom will give me the job of cat houes taker carer or somthing like that Im head taking car of the cats! and I will make a diffrence! (my cats aswome all becaues of me >< *more crys love him*) So in the end of this coment I say I'd like to tell everone of my acoplishments! (and give a vioce to thoues animals of houston alaska just as my mom did to thoughs 5,000 animals!!!)

whisper said...

huh it realy bites we went to the city concle meeting and they sciped the hole thing!! i am so made they have broken and are braking a bunch of laws right in front of this cope and he just sits there and lets it go by!Im going to do somthing about this and help the animalos of huston even if it gets me killed!

giving a voice to thoughs animals of houston alaksa!

lalalaaaaaaa waiting for a reply...:) ~windstar

Flamestorm said...

sorry about the no reply windstar ill add you right away thank you for telling that touching story im glad you can join voice!

whisper said...

thank you!

Courtney Paige said...

Hello! I would love to become an author on here if you would like me to! I love this blog, and that you are teaching people different ways to go out and help stop animal abuse! My email adress is Please consider letting me join! :)

Courtney Paige said...

I have been a follower for a long time and it would really make my day if I could become an author too! Animal cruelty sickens me. My email is Please get back to me ASAP!

Flamestorm said...

sorry for no reply i will add you as soon as possible thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi. You and I voice many of the same concerns regarding stopping cruelty to animals. I will install a link on my page Perhaps you will do the same after you stop by. Here's my crusade in a nutshell:

Worthy cause, worthwhile story.

A Portion of Every Purchase is Donated to the ASPCA .

Now you can experience the many aspects and workings of a puppy mill almost as if you are standing amidst the cages, listening to the barks. There's a terrific new and involved piece of fiction on the market entitled "A Cold Breed." It focuses on the vivid discovery, investigation, and shutdown of a realistic puppy mill. The issue is embedded within a multi-faceted story with an ultimate happy ending. The storyline is fresh; the characters are rich; the gamut of emotions become real. Swing by the author's site for good information at or stop into the author’s blog at Become a friend on facebook.

DJ Greer has everything in order. She installs high end, hi-tech security systems using the latest and most sophisticated gadgetry. Her single-employee business is in perpetual high gear. In and out of her troublesome customers’ homes and businesses, she sees a lot of their inner lives. Her clients often have as much to hide as they do to protect.

When she goes out of her way to make an emergency installation for backcountry Travis Bitter, she finds a repulsive setting like none she could imagine. The man is a horror-show-quality creep, as are his two equally maniacal sons. They run an assembly line of high-profit “breeding stock” and their adorable, but oftentimes sick “product,” otherwise known as a puppy mill. The security expert gathers proof of the illegal operation and shuts it down under the guidance of two separate Societies for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals.

Unfortunately and contrary to expectations, the raid on the Bitters’ mill isn’t the happy ending everyone planned for. The Bitters enact retribution on DJ. She relies on love interest detective Max Swain to rescue her from their torturous grip.


Anonymous said...

Hi. You and I voice many of the same concerns regarding stopping cruelty to animals. I will install a link on my page Perhaps you will do the same after you stop by. Here's my crusade in a nutshell:

Worthy cause, worthwhile story.

A Portion of Every Purchase is Donated to the ASPCA .

Now you can experience the many aspects and workings of a puppy mill almost as if you are standing amidst the cages, listening to the barks. There's a terrific new and involved piece of fiction on the market entitled "A Cold Breed." It focuses on the vivid discovery, investigation, and shutdown of a realistic puppy mill. The issue is embedded within a multi-faceted story with an ultimate happy ending. The storyline is fresh; the characters are rich; the gamut of emotions become real. Swing by the author's site for good information at or stop into the author’s blog at Become a friend on facebook.

DJ Greer has everything in order. She installs high end, hi-tech security systems using the latest and most sophisticated gadgetry. Her single-employee business is in perpetual high gear. In and out of her troublesome customers’ homes and businesses, she sees a lot of their inner lives. Her clients often have as much to hide as they do to protect.

When she goes out of her way to make an emergency installation for backcountry Travis Bitter, she finds a repulsive setting like none she could imagine. The man is a horror-show-quality creep, as are his two equally maniacal sons. They run an assembly line of high-profit “breeding stock” and their adorable, but oftentimes sick “product,” otherwise known as a puppy mill. The security expert gathers proof of the illegal operation and shuts it down under the guidance of two separate Societies for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals.

Unfortunately and contrary to expectations, the raid on the Bitters’ mill isn’t the happy ending everyone planned for. The Bitters enact retribution on DJ. She relies on love interest detective Max Swain to rescue her from their torturous grip.


Anonymous said...

Hi. You and I voice similar concerns regarding the stopping of cruelty to animals. I will add a link to my blog for yours, creating more traffic and better spread of your arguments. Perhaps you will do the same for me. We can communicate through my "Randomness" post. Thanks.

Jodie said...

I've done many speeched during school that are based on animal cruelty. It's so not fair! They have feelings like us! Probably why my fave food is now tofu :)

Love to become an author.

WC♋ said...

I agree with everything here.Animal cruelty should stop!

I'd love to become an author.

Shadowmouse said...

in our now aday world i just sit back sometimes and just gasp.
sorry i dont no alot of information on some subject

problems in australia

strays: too many
answer: desex, microchip update

brumbys: stop killing them
answer: dont no

puppy mills: horrible living condition
answer: make them illegal

abusive: abusive people
answer: stop drugs over drinking and abusive people go to jail

there are many more but i cant write all of them.





Shadowmouse said...

it was so sad

my neighbours had two dogs cross bred tess and bob. they had a night visiter. i think he was a greyhound cross. it was 1:00 in the morning and he was in front of bob and tesses house.he was skinny you could see some ribs and he was skittish. he was a grey creamy colour and very cute. i wanted to catch him and either take him to the vets or keep him.

!!i wasnt allowed to catch him or leave food out for him!!

i am so irritated about how the parents just say "oh hes probably just walking home" why dont you check. no because then we will stop him from returning.

that was the last time i saw the mysterious greyhound.